Friday, October 18, 2013

The LDS (cult) Church

Not much to report this month. Even though in my last post I mentioned that I was going to distance myself from the PostMormon site for a while that really hasn't happened. I don't go on there too much, just to see if there are any new developments. I'm afraid of missing some major development in the demise of the LDS cult church. I'm more convinced every day that the LDS church is a cult. The degree of manipulation of it's members is staggering. The church invades so many aspects of it's members lives in a negative way. The aspect of guilt is worth a post all it's own (I did do a post about guilt last year). So many stories on the postmormon site are about people who have been shunned and attacked by family members when they tell them they're leaving the church. Many are too scared to tell their families. These people are adults and should be able to make their own decisions, but they fear they will lose too much if they "come out" to their families that they no longer believe and no longer want to be a part of the "MORG". I'm very fortunate in that my family (wife and son) were the only family I had in the church and they willingly followed me out when I left in mid 2012. I can sympathize with these people, though. I KNOW that if I were in their position I would be scared as well to tell my family. This really bothers me, it bothers me a lot. If anyone needed any proof that the LDS church is a cult, this is it.

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