Sunday, December 9, 2012


As Christmas approaches, my first one in 20 years as non-LDS, I have been feeling extremely depressed. Not sure where its coming from. But some days I wish I were no longer on this Earth. Not sure if its related to my loss if faith that I experienced this year. At least when I was LDS I had a purpose. Now without that purpose or goal I feel lost and confused. I wonder if going to a church will give me that focus and purpose. Not sure. I don't know if I want to go to church. My son went to church ( a pentecostal church I think) this morning with a school friend and liked it (they had Xbox there) and my wife thinks its a good idea to go to church. But I'm torn. But I have been really depressed and don't know what to do about it.
Take care

A Good Place To Raise A Family

One of the comments that a leader made to a person who was investigating the history of the church and how it doesn't line up with the ...