Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Baptism 20th Anniversary

Last week, Thursday December 12, 2013 marked the 20th annivesary of my baptism into the Cult Church of Jesus Christ of LDS. And I'm moving on. Finally. I was going to write a book about my experiences and how I left the MORG, but you want to know something? I don't care about any of it. I am so done with the church. I'm finished. It's been a year since I resigned and I am finally done with all of it. Done with the PostMormon site, done with googling the church to find out the latest scandal, done with any kind of thought or reflection about my almost 20 years in the cult. As Christmas is upon us and the celebrations that come with it, I no longer have any ties to the church at all and I have no desire to hash it out why I left, or what led me to finally resign. Frankly, I could care less about the church or the reasons why I was a member and why I left. OK, so you're saying, "give it to us straight, are you really leaving it all behind?" And the answer is a resounding "YES!" Farewell, goodbye, THE END...

A Good Place To Raise A Family

One of the comments that a leader made to a person who was investigating the history of the church and how it doesn't line up with the ...