I was a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) for 18 years and resigned from the church in 2012. This blog is a record of my long journey out of the church and my subsequent attempts to overcome the brainwashing and false teachings that I was exposed to while I was a faithful member of the LDS church.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Exit Date Confirmation
Great news! Got an email last night from the bishop of our ward. He confirmed that our names will be off the church records before August 18. I'm very happy about this development. Finally I can put the church behind me and move on with my life. I was reading on the PostMormon site comments that other Post-Mo's had made and one person related how they were embarrased by having been a member. They were embarrased that their families and friends knew they were a member and that they had been gullible to believe in the church. That's how I feel. I'm embarrased that I was a member of the LDS church and that I was so gullible for so many years. One thing I'm thankful for is that I didn't bring anyone else into the church. (Well, except my son). I tried with some friends years ago but they weren't interested. I was mystified by this at the time but now I realize that some people can see through the facade right away. Others like me were sucked into it and before long the hooks were in me and it was hard to shake myself loose. It took over 18 years for the hook to become loosened. But thankfully it did and I only wasted 18 years instead of 50 years or more of my life believing a set of lies and false doctrine. Now I can move on. The end is in sight... take care, J.T.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Playing The Waiting Game
So we're just waiting to get confirmation that our names have been removed from the membership records of the LDS church. I had a feeling it wouldn't be a quick process. And really there is no rush. I am no longer a member in spirit and haven't been for weeks now. I'm not going to be impatient about it either, there's no use in getting stressed about it. It will happen when it happens and then I can finally put the LDS church behind me and move on. I don't really know what will happen in the near future. I'm not in a hurry to join another church. I'm going to enjoy my Sunday's off for a while. Maybe someday I'll feel the need or have the desire to look into attending another church, but in reality I don't really think I will ever want to commit to another church or religion again. I may have mentioned this before but my experience with the LDS church has completely destroyed my concept of God and the role of religion in my life. The LDS teachings were so ingrained into me and were a part of my life for so long, that to find out that they are not true or accurate, has left me destitute of any concept of what is "right" or "wrong" as it pertains to God and religion and our purpose here on Earth. (I still know what is "right" or "wrong" as it pertains to the law or morality).I know that in time I will "get over" the church and it might be a long time or it might be only a few weeks, I don't know. But once I get confirmation that I am no longer a member of the LDS church it will be one step closer to getting its influence out of my life once and for all.Take care,J.T.
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A Good Place To Raise A Family
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